Love is patient.
It can happen when you least expect it,
where you least expect it,
with whom you least expect it.
Love is kind.
But love may not grow out of kindness.
It can happen with the person who hates you most
because love knows no bounds.
And it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love doesn’t hold a grudge.
Love forgives.
Love forgets.
But when the healing of your heart
breaks the hearts of the ones you love …
it may seem impossible to
Find joy

Jenni Moen lives in her hometown in Oklahoma with her husband and three crazy, exuberant kids that have the potential to burn the house down at any moment.
When she's not chauffeuring kids around town, performing her mom duties as a short order cook and maid, or vacuuming for her fastidious husband, she hammers away at her keyboard at her big girl job as a patent attorney. While vodka and exercise have provided some relief from the daily grind, it is reading ... and now writing ... that are her true escapes.
Top 10 Lists:
Mia's Point of View
Top 10 books:
1. Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
2. Consequences and Truth by Aleatha Romig
3. Are you there Vodka, It’s Me Chelsea by Chelsea Handler
4. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
5. I’m Down by Mishna Wolff
6. Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
7. The Twilight Books by Stephenie Meyer
8. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
9. Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James
10. This Man Series by Jodie Ellen Malpas
Rumpled Sheets Blog
Top 10 Female Leads:
1. Lisbeth Salander - Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
2. Amy Elliott Dunne – Gone Girl
3. Reggie Love – The Client
4. Domnique – The Fountainhead
5. Catniss Everdeen – Hunger Games
6. Claire Nichols – Truth (not as much in Consequences)
7. Stephanie Plum - Bounty Hunter Books
8. Andi – Shine Not Burn
9. Domnique – The Fountainhead
10. Scarlet O’Hare – Gone with the Wind
Extras’s for anyone to use
Guest Posts:
What inspires me to write:
Honestly, reading inspired me to write. I’ve had my nose stuck in a book most of my life. I think most avid readers wonder at some point or another whether they have what it takes to be a writer. During the holidays last winter, I went on an eight week reading binge that involved a lot of angsty and smutty new adult and contemporary romance novels. When I finally came out of it, I decided to take a stab at it myself.
As for what inspired Remembering Joy, specifically, I can honestly say that real-life inspired it. On my seventeenth birthday, I was involved in a car accident. It didn’t end tragically but it could have. Remembering Joy is the result of letting myself consider the absolutely worst case scenario. Also, there are little pieces of me and my closest friends in each of the characters.
Hardest Scenes to Write:
That’s easy for me to answer. The hardest scenes for me to write are the most heartfelt ones … the ones where the characters gush and pour their hearts out to one another. I’m not a gushy, gooey kind of girl. I’m more likely to show you how I feel than talk about it. However, I guess deep down I must be a hopeless romantic because it’s all I want to read and write.
I’m a rebel on this one. I love cliffhangers. The more cliffy the hanger, the better. I love a book that leaves me wanting more, more, more. I love to throw my hands up in the air and scream and curse at the end of a book. And I don’t mind waiting for the next book. I’d rather wait for a well-written novel that’s not full of typos and fragmented sentences than get the next installment as soon as possible.
Despite my love of them, Remembering Joy does not have a cliffhanger ending. I wasn’t sure about this whole writing business or that I wanted to be committed to writing a sequel. However, I left enough loose ends that I could if I wanted to. Now that I’m about 1/3 the way done with the second book, I’m loving where the story is headed. I can’t wait to give Adam and Allie the ending they deserve.
MY 5 Star Review
This is the end of Adam and Allie’s story and what an amazing story it was!! If you haven’t read Remembering Joy I suggest you stop right here and read that one first or you will be lost.
This story picks up right where Remembering Joy ended. For six months Adam and Allie’s relationship has been a rollercoaster ride. Just when they thought the ride was over they hit a few more dips. Will their ride be over for good or will they be able to find joy?
I really enjoyed this series. Adam and Allie’s characters were so well developed that you felt like you were living the story with them. I would highly recommend this book.. Make sure you have time to read it because once you start you won’t want to put it down…
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Love is patient. It can happen when you least expect it, where you least expect it, with whom you least expect it. Love is kind. But love may not grow out of kindness. It can happen with the person who hates you most because love knows no bounds. And it keeps no record of wrongs. Love doesn’t hold a grudge. Love forgives. Love forgets. But when the healing of your heart breaks the hearts of the ones you love … it may seem impossible to Find joy
a Rafflecopter giveaway
December 16
December 17
December 18
Just Booked / Rumpled Sheets Blog / Taryn Lee's Blog / Miscellaneous Thoughts of a Bookaholic / Here is some of what I like to read
December 19
My Daily Romance / Who You Callin' A Book Whore? / Rebel Book Chicks / Brenda's Book Beat / Cruising Susan Book Reviews
December 20
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