Looking up into her moist eyes I pull her close to me. Our arms hug each other with a fierceness that’s getting rid of every loose fragment of damage. We’re expelling each and every bad memory and all the shit that’s fucked us up. “I don’t want to let you go. Can we stay like this for a little while longer?” Her head nods on my shoulder as she sinks deeper into our embrace.
“You feel incredible in my arms. I never thought much about guardian angels, but I think you’ve been sent just for me. Your arms wrapping around me make everything go away.”
Sam’s arms grip me with even more vigor. I feel her breath and lips tickle my ear as she turns her head into the crook of my neck. Feather light kisses touch my neck and earlobe as she whispers; “You’re wrong Ben; you’re my angel. You make me believe that love can exist.” Her head pulls back but her arms stay firmly in place. “Your voice brought light into my life when all I could see was darkness. When I’m all alone, it’s your voice that I hear when I drift off to sleep at night.”
I turn and press my lips onto hers tenderly and hold them there for several seconds before breaking away. We stay holding each other well into the night. Finally, her breaths change and I realize she’s fallen asleep on my shoulder. I gently shift her body close and place one arm underneath her legs to pick her up. She stirs slightly and turns her head into the curve of my neck and inhales deeply. “Mmm, you smell so good.”
I hold her against me as I chuckle, “Oh yeah? It’s a combination of sweat, wine, and you.”
Sighing she lifts her head with her eyes still closed. “How is it you know to say the exact thing a woman likes to hear?”
“I don’t know about that. I guess you bring it out of me.”
We get into the truck, and I buckle her up. I fight off the images of the accident and instead focus on Sam. I listen to her steady breaths and watch her sleep. She hypnotizes me. I’m captivated by her heart, beauty and soul. Her capacity to let me in is remarkable and humbling especially when I don’t think I deserve it. Home has to feel a lot like this because I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
December 16
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December 19
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