Tuesday, September 23, 2014

**Blog Tour** Life Discarded

Date Published:September 1, 2014
Why would a woman who has it all throw her life away? Morgan has the perfect life. She married the man of her dreams. Daniel is smart, gorgeous and successful. Everything she has always wanted in a husband and the father of her children. But he’s also domineering, overprotective and jealous. Is living with him enough to drive Morgan over the edge? Or does something more treacherous lurk beneath the façade? 

Morgan was still obsessed with Daniel’s locked office door the next day at the library. Instead of getting busy with her overload of work, she stared at her computer, trying to work, but not accomplishing anything as the words on her computer blurred together.
“Did you hear?” Dawn shouted as she breezed into Morgan’s office. Morgan startled at the sound of Dawn’s voice and shook her head to force the fog from her head.
“Jeez, Dawn, you scared me.” Morgan held her hand over her beating-out-of-control heart.
Dawn came over to Morgan’s desk, shaking a newspaper in her hand. “Did you see this?”
Morgan had no idea what in the newspaper could be getting Dawn so excited. “What are you talking about you?” She asked on a sigh.
Dawn opened the newspaper and laid it over the mess on Morgan’s desk. “Look,” she said pointing to a column in the crime section. Morgan waved her hand over the newspaper, caught up in her own drama and uninterested in a stranger’s drama. “Just tell me.”
“There’s been another rape,” Dawn was nearly shouting.
“Another rape? What are you talking about?”
Dawn sighed and crossed her arms. “Don’t you remember? There was a rape at that fancy hotel in Milwaukee a while back. And now there’s been another one!”
“That’s horrible.” Morgan sank into her chair. Dawn sat down across from her. She picked up the newspaper again. “It was at another hotel in downtown Milwaukee, but they’re withholding the location as they don’t want to scare anyone.” She continued to scan the story. “They’re calling it date rape. Don’t you hate that? Rape is rape. No is no.”
Morgan nodded. Based on personal experience, she could vehemently agree. Dawn went back to reciting the facts from the article. “It says the woman was picked up in some bar and then they went back to her hotel room. The victim, whose identity is protected, claims she tried to fight off the assailant, but at 5’4” the victim didn’t have much chance. The victim’s long hair was ripped from her head in places and her glasses were destroyed in the struggle.
Morgan shuddered. “Dawn, that’s enough. We need to get to work.” She pulled herself together and shooed Dawn out of her office. She locked her office door behind Dawn and sank to the floor. Taking deep breaths, she tried to fight the guilt clawing at her. In desperate need of reassurance from a loved one, she stood and went to her bag for her phone. Daniel had left that morning for some conference. Although she was desperate to call him, she didn’t want to anger him by disturbing him and settled for texting – hoping he would respond.

D.E. Haggerty

D.E. Haggerty was born and raised in Wisconsin but thinks she’s a European. After spending her senior year of high school in Germany, she developed a bad case of wanderlust that is yet to be cured. After high school she returned to the U.S. to go to college ending up with a Bachelor’s degree in History at the tender age of 20 while still managing to spend time bouncing back and forth to Europe during her vacations. Unable to find a job after college and still suffering from wanderlust, she joined the U.S. Army as a Military Policewoman for 5 years. While stationed in Heidelberg, Germany, she met her future husband, a flying Dutchman. After being given her freedom from the Army, she went off to law school. She finished law school and moved to the Netherlands with her husband and became a commercial lawyer for more than a decade. During a six month break from the lawyering world, she wrote her first book, Unforeseen Consequences. Although she finished the book, she went back to the law until she could no longer take it and upped stakes and moved to Germany to start a B&B. Three years after starting the B&B, she got the itch and decided to pull the manuscript for Unforeseen Consequences out of the attic and get it published as an e-book. Deciding that she may have indeed finally found what she wanted to do with her life, she went on to write Buried Appearances. After moving to Istanbul, she started on Life: Discarded , her third book. Between tennis, running, traveling, singing off tune and reading books like they are going out of style, she writes articles for a local expat magazine and various websites, reviews other indie authors’ books, writes a blog about whatever comes to mind and is working on her fourth book.

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